There is nothing better than getting off of a long work weed, heading home on a Friday night with some Chinese food, and smoking a bowl on the couch with your dog (or cat, if that’s how you live your life). It is a great feeling to know that you don’t have to worry about any responsibilities for the next few hours and that you can just enjoy the high. However, we have all had some early morning or mid-afternoon smoking sessions that perhaps went on a little longer than what you imagined. Maybe you are enjoying your Saturday by smoking a new marijuana strain, and suddenly you learned that your parents are coming over for dinner. Now you are 3 grams deep into your euphoric high, but the chill mood is ruined as you have to figure out a way to come down before your parents get here. We have all been there, and it can be super annoying to have to deal with this.
I will start off this article by saying that there is no quick way to come down from a marijuana high, so don’t think that you’ll just go from being in the clouds to being back to soberness. However, there are a few different ways that you can reduce your high and be more functional as a result. If you are running out of time or need to go off and do something later but are too high from your smoking session, using these tips might help you come down a little bit by the time you need to head off. I hope that this article is helpful for you, as these are tips that I have used plenty of times in my professional and personal life when it comes to smoking weed while simultaneously having responsibilities. Honestly, I wish I could just sit around and smoke weed all day without having to worry about anything or anyone else, but that is sadly not the reality that most of us live in.
One of the most effective ways at reducing your high is by eating something. Ever wondered why you get the munchies? Well, it’s not just because everything tastes and smells amazing when you’re high. In fact, there are actually some scientific reasons as for why you want to clean out your cupboards after smoking weed or taking an edible. THC lowers your blood glucose level, and eating a snack after smoking will elevate your blood sugar. In a sense, this stops your high from escalating so that you do not get any higher. That is why eating something is a very good way to moderate and manage your high. Again, don’t expect to be completely sober after eating a snack or two.
However, eating food is definitely going to help the THC work through your bloodstream more quickly and ultimately accelerate you getting sober. Similarly, it can also be helpful to drink some water to come down from a high. Whenever I am smoking, I always keep a drink of some sort on hand as well as a big water bottle to take some sips from. Staying hydrated is a super important part of smoking weed, but drinking water can also help your body eliminate the THC from its system faster. If water is not enough, you can always turn to the amazing drink that is coffee. Coffee is probably my favorite beverage ever, and since it is high in caffeine, it can be very effective at boosting your energy and making you feel more alert.