Thursday, 13 April 2017

Delta-8… and Why Legislators are Targeting It

There is a reason that you are able to purchase CBD in states that do not have medical marijuana programs. The reason for this is because American lawmakers changed the classification of hemp, meaning that CBD products were not able to be sold as hemp-derived products. Since hemp products have been legal in the United States for quite some time, many more people now have access to CBD. Some people get confused when talking about hemp and marijuana - are they not the same plant? Well, they are similar plants, but they are not the same. More like cousins if you will. Hemp does not really have any of the psychoactive components found in marijuana, meaning that it would take an insane amount of hemp ingestion to actually get you high. 


This is the reason that lawmakers have been so willing to let hemp products flood the markets in hope that people will be satisfied with it and not push to legalize actual cannabis products like a smokeable weed. However, there has been a lot of progress in the hemp industry that has led to some pretty innovative products, one of which is Delta-8. If you haven’t heard of Delta-8 before, it is basically starting to get lawmakers' attention and cause problems from state to state. But since Delta-8 is hemp-based, what really is the problem? Well, that is truly the question. Today we are going to be talking about Delta-8 and why lawmakers are beginning to target it in the next wave of cannabis laws and reform. Keep reading to find out more!

So what’s the deal with Delta-8 and why is there so much attention around it? Well, it really comes down to marketing. I am a marketing guy, so I know a thing or two about getting people’s attention. Delta-8 has been primarily marketed as a product that will give the same wellness benefits of cannabis but without the high. Basically, people are assuming that Delta-8 can give them the same feelings as THC but without the impairment. Delta-8 is currently being sold in a variety of dispensaries across the country with different products available by state. Some of the common forms for Delta-8 include edibles, capsules, smokable flowers, vape oil, and tinctures. The reason that so many people are interested in using Delta-8 is because of their health conditions or something like that. So many people in the United States do not have access to medical marijuana in the same way that others do. Many of the southern states in the U.S. do not have great medical marijuana programs, and it can be really hard for people to find any sort of alternative medicine in the form of cannabis. However, people are beginning to see the merit for using Delta-8 to help with depression or anxiety. After all, it is supposedly capable of giving feelings of euphoria without impairing one's ability to drive or function. For these reasons and others, Delta-8 has become super popular in some states. This is what is making lawmakers worried. I don’t really know why the U.S. government has decided to have a problem with everything related to cannabis, but I guess this is just the world we are living in. 

The truth about using Delta-8 for mental health treatment is that it is a great alternative to a lot of other drugs out there. Many people don’t want to associate themselves with the stigma of using weed, but the world of cannabis and medical marijuana is honestly so much bigger and better than it used to be.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

CBD to Sleep

Sometimes, you just want to get good sleep, and you should never neglect this. Many people struggle to get some Zs, and it will make you feel bad too. While there are supplements that can help, plenty of people have started to opt using CBD to help with this. CBD also known as cannabidiol, is one of the main parts of the marijuana plant, but unlike the THC that’s in weed, the CBD in this doesn’t get you high. Instead, you feel a bit of a relaxing feeling that’s ultimately pretty calming, and great for reducing insomnia and getting some shuteye. 

How it works 

CBD doesn’t bind to the same receptors that THC does, but it instead does interact with the compounds that are in this, working with the brain and the body to help with your mood, appetite, and even aid with sleeping as well. 

It helps because it is naturally supportive of the endocannabinoid system. It also helps by pushing out more anandamide, which is commonly viewed as the “bliss” molecule, so it can help you soothe your brain and body, binding to this, in order to ensure that you feel soothed and calmed down. This is great for those people who are looking to get more sleep via relaxing, as it does work naturally in order to do all of this n an easy, profound way. 

CBD and sleep 

CBD does have benefits that do work specifically for sleep. While there isn’t a ton of research on this, some studies do say that the compounds in CBD are great for relieving stress and anxiety. Those with chronic pain can also benefit from this one, since it’s great for improving sleep. Current research says that, based on a review on the way cannabinoids get delivered, especially CBD, it was found that this is the best one for easing anxiety, chronic pain, and also had better sleep that happened. 

When administering larger amounts of CBD, upwards of 175 mg, it was discovered that about 2.3 of patients were actually getting a lot better sleep, and the sleep was much better.  It did help more with anxiety than sleep though, but the observations did show that this is a viable means to help treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. 

In one of the case studies for those with Parkinson’s was found that those who have REM pattern sleep disorders, also known as RBD, which is characterized by kicking, hitting, or recurring nightmares, were able to improve the instances of this, and it could help with the instances of this happening. 

There is a lot of information for those who are curious about using CBD, especially when there is a lot less of THC the one that’s psychoactive, the main focus of the research has not been on treating sleep disorders, but instead is used as a way to treat seizures and such. It’s important that there be more studies conducted on this to further validate the benefits of the CBD that you take in a therapeutic sense, but what’s currently out there is definitely a lot more promising than anything else. 

Lots of people do like to take CBD especially if you already struggle with sleep. It does have a lot of potential for those who tend to struggle with relaxing, falling asleep, or if you’re someone that wakes up a whole lot. While it isn’t sedating, it’s one that’s soothing, which is perfect for people with sleep-related anxieties and other issues. It can definitely be a bit of a struggle, especially for those trying to avoid getting bad sleep too. 

Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Smoking weed is nothing new to most American consumers. However, the stigma surrounding cannabis is rather old to say the least. Using canna...